When you get into a car accident, you should call the police. Most people know that, but some do not realize that it is an actual requirement if anyone is injured or if a certain amount of damage has been done to the vehicles. In any case, you want the cops to come to the scene because they will fill out a police report. This report can be used by your insurance company later on. A San Antonio, Texas car accident lawyer from our firm can also make use of this report if you decide to sue for compensation.
How Can a Police Report Be Useful If I Sue for Compensation?
Yes, the police report can contain all sorts of useful information that can make it easier to reconstruct the accident scene and figure out which driver could be at fault. A report will rarely come to a conclusion and say who is to blame for the accident unless one driver blatantly admits to fault or apologizes, but other info contained in the police report could help your lawyer build a case.
What Kind of Evidence Can Be Used to Build a Case Along With a Police Report?
The police report will probably not be the only piece of evidence that you will need though. Your lawyer will also rely on any other evidence that they can find to build a compelling case and show why you deserve compensation. Useful evidence could include:
- Surveillance footage
- Dashcam footage
- Eyewitness testimony
- Photos of damage to the vehicles
- Photos of the accident scene
- Medical records concerning your injuries
- Medical bills and repair estimates for your vehicle
Acting quickly makes it easier to gather evidence and talk to anyone who may have witnessed what happened.
How Can an Attorney Help Me After an Accident?
Hiring an attorney is not a necessity, but a personal injury attorney can do a lot to assist you with your case. Your lawyer can:
- Remind you about important court dates and deadlines
- Answer your questions about the legal process
- Prepare you for testimony
- Handle all communications on your behalf
- Field settlement offers and calculate fair compensation
What Should My Compensation Cover?
Your compensation should reimburse you for the economic costs of your accident, but that should not be the extent of it. Your settlement should also help make up for the emotional and psychological turmoil an accident can cause. We can help you fight for a fair offer that compensates you for:
- Any medical expenses
- Wages you missed while recovering
- Loss of enjoyment
- Loss of earning potential
- Pain and suffering
Schedule Your Free Consultation Today
When you are ready to move forward with your personal injury lawsuit, contact Sahadi Legal Group. Our experienced lawyers are ready to help you out, and we can offer you a free initial consultation to tell you more about the potential value of your case.