If you got hurt in an accident and you believe that someone else’s negligence was to blame, then you may have a valid lawsuit on your hands. A Bexar County, Texas personal injury lawyer can tell you how to file personal injury claims in TX and what you can expect from this process.

How Long Do Victims Have to Make Personal Injury Claims in TX?

The first thing you should know is that you do not have an unlimited amount of time to make personal injury claims in TX. The statute of limitations is two years, meaning that a case filed more than two years after your accident will likely be thrown out.

So we recommend acting quickly after your accident if you are planning to sue for damages. You do not want to miss your chance to claim compensation.

What Kinds of Damages Can Be Paid Out for Personal Injury Claims in TX?

A fair compensation offer should make up for more than the economic costs of an accident. They should also address the psychological effects of an accident and the other kinds of suffering that your injuries can cause. Our law firm can help you fight for a fair offer that addresses things like:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Mental health and psychological issues, like PTSD or anxiety
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Property damages

What Kind of Evidence Can Help in a Personal Injury Claim?

It’s easier to make a strong case if you have some evidence to back up your claims. Some commonly used pieces of evidence in personal injury claims in TX include:

  • Photos of an accident scene
  • Medical records
  • Testimony from doctors about your injuries
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Surveillance video
  • Police reports
  • Testimony from experts who can talk about the accident, your injuries, and other matters relevant to your case

Can I Sue For Damages Even If I’m Partly Blamed for an Accident?

Yes, you can sue for damages even if you are found to be partly at fault. However, you cannot sue if you are 51% responsible for the accident. If you are partly at fault, your awarded compensation will be reduced.

Here’s an example. You win $150,000 after a car accident case. You were also found to be 33% at fault though. As a result, your award would be reduced by that percentage, leaving you with around $100,000 instead. A lawyer from our firm can help you build a strong case against another party and defend you from any accusations of wrongdoing.

Talk to a Personal Injury Attorney

So when you are ready to move forward with any personal injury claims in TX, contact Sahadi Legal Group. We can schedule a free case consultation and tell you more about what our attorneys can do for you.