When you get into a car accident, exchanging insurance information is the obvious next step. What if someone flees the scene instead though? Whether it’s due to their lack of insurance coverage, involvement in criminal activities, or simple panic, this can be a major inconvenience if you want to sue for damages. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do after an accident to make a successful personal injury case more likely, including contacting a San Antonio, Texas car accident lawyer from our firm.

What Should I Do When the Other Driver Flees?

First, we recommend writing down any details you can about the driver who left the scene. What did they look like? What kind of car were they driving? If you know the make and model of the vehicle, that can really help. Obviously, getting a full or partial license plate can be even more helpful.

Then you should treat this like any other car crash. You should:

  • Call the cops to the scene so that they can make a report
  • Take photos of your car and the accident scene
  • Get contact info for any witnesses
  • Look for cameras that may have caught the crash
  • See a doctor as soon as possible

Can the Cops Help When the Other Driver Flees?

Cops can sometimes find someone who flees from an accident. If they were caught on video or you were able to give them enough details, then that can really make a difference. The driver might face criminal charges, and a conviction could serve as evidence in your personal injury case against them.

Even if the police cannot find the fleeing driver, calling them to an accident scene is still a smart move. Your own insurer may need a copy of the police report.

Do I Need to Use My Own Insurance Coverage to Pay For Repairs?

You may have to use your own insurance coverage to pay for repairs if the negligent driver flees the scene.

Uninsured driver coverage can help here. So can personal injury protection coverage. Both have to be offered by insurers and can only be turned down if Texas drivers say so in writing, so these are probably a part of your policy.

There’s also collision coverage. This can help you pay for repairs to your vehicle no matter who was at fault, but it’s not mandatory on policies so you may not have this particular type of coverage.

What Kinds of Damages Can I Win If the Other Driver Is Found?

If you can find the fleeing driver and sue them, you can be reimbursed for all kinds of expenses related to the crash. Your compensation can help make up for things like:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Pain and suffering

Contact Our Law Firm

If you want to learn more about your options, contact Sahadi Legal Group. We can schedule a free case consultation and tell you more about what our attorneys can do to assist you. Reach out to our team today.