If you have summer driving plans, you should know what kinds of safety hazards and issues to look out for. If you do get in an accident, a San Antonio, Texas car accident lawyer from our firm can help you out.

What Summer Driving Safety Hazards Should I Look Out For?

There are a few safety hazards in particular that you might want to be on the lookout for this season.

More crowded roads: Many people have summer travel plans, and that means that the roads could be more crowded than normal. Focus on the road, stay alert, and watch out for other cars and larger vehicles like trucks.

Work zones: Roadwork is common during the summer months, so keep an eye out for any signs that denote the start of road work zones. Lanes could be closed, speed limits change, and other rules of the road can change in a work zone, so pay attention.

Other people sharing the road: You also have to watch out for other people sharing the road, like motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. More people could be choosing these methods of transportation due to the warm weather, and they might be harder to see as a result.

How Can I Improve My Chances of Avoiding Safety Hazards?

So the road can be more dangerous in the summer, but there are still some steps you can take to avoid common safety hazards. When you hit the road this season, we recommend that you:

Do not rush: You probably have some travel plans this summer, but we recommend never rushing to get to your destination. The journey should be part of the fun too, right? Whether you are speeding to get to your destination or driving on too little sleep, you are increasing your chances of getting into an accident.

Stay sober: Summer can be full of barbecues and parties, but you should never lose control just because there are some drinks around. Always have a designated driver or stay sober yourself if you will have to hit the road later.

What Should I Do If I Get Injured in an Accident?

If you do get injured in an accident, make sure that you call the cops to the scene. They can write up a report that could be used if you decide to pursue a personal injury case. Take a picture of the cars involved and their damage, along with the road and the safety hazard that contributed to the accident. If there are eyewitnesses, speak to them and get their contact info.

Then get the medical care you need and consider hiring a lawyer. If you are looking at a pile of medical bills and missing out on work and paychecks, a personal injury suit can help you recover the compensation that you deserve.

Contact Our Law Firm

If you have been injured in a summer driving accident, contact Sahadi Legal Group. We can schedule a consultation and tell you more about your options and the potential value of your case. Our experienced attorneys are ready to help you pursue damages.