If you get into any kind of accident, you may think that you’re just fine at first. How you feel does not necessarily indicate whether you are injured or not though. Whether you slipped and fell or got into a car crash, getting medical attention should still be a top priority. A Bexar County, Texas personal injury lawyer can tell you why.

Why Do I Need Medical Attention?

There are many good reasons why you should seek medical attention after an accident. If you skip or delay a trip to the doctor’s office, you may have to worry about things like:

Not having a proper diagnosis: If you do have any kind of injury from an accident, your doctor can help you diagnose it. A physical examination, scans like MRIs, and other diagnostic techniques can help you figure out exactly what’s wrong.

Making injuries worse: If you just try to go back to your normal routine without seeing a doctor, you could end up making any injuries worse. If you have an undiagnosed injury and work out at a gym or try to lift something heavy at your job, you can end up causing additional health problems.

The insurer picking apart your case: Insurance companies are going to look for any reason to deny you the kind of fair compensation offer that you deserve. If you delay a trip to the doctor after an accident, the insurer is going to pounce on that. Maybe they will argue that you must not have been all that injured if you didn’t seek medical attention right away. Maybe they will say you must have gotten hurt elsewhere, in an incident unrelated to this accident you’re suing over. Don’t give them this kind of opening.

Can I Sue For Damages After Getting Medical Attention?

Yes, you can seek out compensation if you believe that someone else was responsible for the accident that caused you harm. Now that you have gone to the doctor, you have medical records, the testimony of a professional, bills for treatment, and other evidence to use in your case. A lawyer from our firm can help you sue for compensation that makes up for things like:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Pain from disability or disfigurement
  • Mental anguish and PTSD

Whether you got hurt by a defective product or were injured at work, our experienced attorneys are ready to get to work for you and negotiate on your behalf.

Ask About Our Free Consultations

So if you got hurt in any kind of accident and you believe that someone else may be to blame, contact Sahadi Legal Group. We can tell you more about what our lawyers can do to help you hold any negligent parties accountable.