When a homeowner invites someone into their house, they are taking some responsibility for the safety of their guests. If a dangerous object or situation on their property causes someone else harm, they should be held responsible. A San Antonio, Texas slip & fall lawyer can help you hold a negligent homeowner liable for any injuries caused.
What is a Property Owner’s Responsibility in Texas?
If you invite someone onto your property, there is the expectation that the property will be safe and free from dangerous hazards. If a property is not safe and someone gets hurt due to a crumbling walkway, a slippery puddle caused by a leak, or a broken banister in a stairwell, then they can often sue for damages.
Now if this sounds like something that happened to you, you might have a personal injury case on your hands. You should talk to one of our attorneys about what happened to you and we can let you know more about the value of your case.
How Long Do I Have to Sue for Damages After a Slip and Fall?
When you consider suing for damages, you should also remember that you do not have an unlimited time to get the legal process started. You must act within two years or your case is likely to be thrown out.
It is also in your interest to act quickly because it can make it easier to build a case. The biggest benefit is that the earlier you act, the earlier you can secure compensation.
What Can Compensation From a Slip and Fall Case Cover?
A slip and fall can cause serious injuries, so your compensation needs to cover your medical bills and make up for any other pain and inconvenience your injuries cause. A fair and reasonable compensation offer should address:
- Past and future medical bills
- Lost wages
- Loss of future earning potential
- Loss of enjoyment
Should I Hire a Lawyer?
An attorney cannot make any promises when it comes to compensation or outcomes, but you can be sure that a personal injury lawyer from our firm will do their best to advocate for you at every stage of your slip and fall lawsuit. They can help you build the most effective case and talk to insurance companies and other lawyers for you, which can prevent you from making any statements that could hurt your case.
Your lawyer can also defend you from accusations of fault and wrongdoing. A homeowner might try to blame you for your own injuries if you get harmed on their property. Due to the state’s comparative negligence laws, you could end up seeing your awarded damages reduced if a jury determines that you were partly to blame for your accident.
Contact Our Law Firm
So when you are ready to sue for compensation, contact Sahadi Legal Group. We can schedule a free consultation and tell you more about how our firm can help you fight for compensation.